What is Thermal Imaging?

Thermal Imaging Known as Thermographic scanning is a non-invasive diagnostic technique that allows us to identify changes in the surface temperature of electrical equipment. An infrared camera converts infrared radiation, which is the heat being emitted from the surface of electrical equipment into an electrical impulse. The impulses are mapped as colours that represent the various temperatures.

What are the benefits of Thermal Image scanning?

Using thermal image scanning as a tool to help with the early detection of equipment failure will directly benefit you as below.

Cost Savings: If you take the necessary precautions, thermal imaging will assist you in identifying and minimising your downtime, thus helping protect your business.

Non-invasive testing: We can easily identify heat-related anomalies without having to disconnect or destroy any equipment. We can also identify internal equipment failure.

Early detection of any potential faults: Reduces the possibility of fire.

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How Often Do Switchboards & Other Electrical Equipment Need To Be Scanned?

The best answer for this is: frequently. That way you will learn if there is a problem in your electrical system. The downtime can be costly and potentially damaging to your business or employees. Before any electrical component/equipment burns, it heats up. Early detection of this with Thermal imaging scanning detects problems before they cause a system failure or fire.

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Infrared thermography is used to perform inspections on electrical equipment because excess resistance on electrical apparatus indicates electrical faults such as:

  • Loose connections
  • Overloaded circuits
  • Imbalanced circuits
  • Faulty equipment
  • Damaged circuit breakers

Thermographic scanning of your electrical switchboards and equipment can provide you with peace of mind that potential issues are identified and rectified before a breakdown or event impacts your business.

How can Swanco Thermal Imaging help you?

Swanco Thermal Imaging offers routine Thermal image scanning of electrical switchboards found within your work environment as part of a routine inspection program. After the thermal image scan, Swanco will provide you with a detailed inspection report describing:

  • Equipment tested
  • Any areas of concern
  • Temperature variations
  • Proposal of repairs that may need to be carried out

All inspections carried out by Swanco Thermal Imaging are carried out by our trained and qualified electricians. We will immediately inform our client if a serious fault exists.

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We have years of experience in the Electrical industry!

  • LED Lighting
  • Light Switches and Dimmers
  • Ceiling Fans
  • Security Lighting
  • Outdoor Lighting
  • Emergency Lighting
  • Power outlets
  • New circuits
  • RCD’s and Switchboards
  • Mains Upgrades
  • Sub Mains and Trenching services
  • Fault finding
  • Kitchen Appliances
  • Renovations
  • Home Theaters
  • Smoke Alarms
  • Safety Certificates

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